#925 Unconventional Warfare
January 8th, 2021

#925 Unconventional Warfare

Long delay on this one, and not for the reasons you might think.

TLDR: Writers block caused by a failed transition to new photo editing software.

Longer version: So I ended up taking a couple months off from work and everything else during the summer because my wife was getting surgery and I didn’t want to risk her getting COVID. I figured it’d be a great time to get all the projects done that I’d been putting off. And one of those projects was ‘look for a new program to put together comics’.

After a bit of research I settled on Affinity Photo. Downloaded a 10 day trial, started puttering on it. And discovered I couldn’t figure out how to make rounded rectangles with 6 pixel radius corners. Now this might not seem like a big deal, but I suspect that roadblock was one stressor too many, and I just shut down for a month and a half. Totally fell off my schedule, and just spent weeks playing video games and trying not to curl up into a little ball because of my wife’s surgery and everything else.

By the time I was sort of over it, I was back to work and studying goddamn fruit fly sperm because it was the only course I could take that fulfilled requirements for my focus on ecology and environmental science. Wasn’t actually able to get myself back into my schedule until a few days ago.

The good news is I’ve fulfilled my graduation requirements. I have to make sure I get my diploma now, but I’ve done all the heavy lifting for my degree. Now just need to figure out what I’m doing with myself.

Anyway, enjoy the comic!