Archive for December, 2009

10: The tree was a steal!

Sunday, December 27th, 2009

I have to admit, almost gave her a lisp here. Also, it looks like one of those evil sentient blackboards is about to pounce on Alex.  Flee, Alex! And don’t look at its equations! They’ll just confuse you while it devours your insides!

#11: Unexpected reaction

Monday, December 28th, 2009

“Hey, guys? Just because we’re pissed off and forming a mob doesn’t mean we should stand so close together…”

#12: Pride before the fall (over)

Tuesday, December 29th, 2009

That bit at the beginning was a pain to make rhyme. And you just know that Alex would be proud of convincing videoland that this is the best way to react to mass theft…

#13: Watch where you fire that

Wednesday, December 30th, 2009

Be honest. If you saw that in your house on christmas eve, you’d either shoot it or stare at it in utter shock. I like to think Alex is just thinking “Oh, what the hell is this? This is just too stupid.”

#14: Lessons learned

Thursday, December 31st, 2009

Sometimes, you have to work your opponent’s own strategy against them. Let them go right along that path at high speed, then force them to slam on the brakes. The trick is to make sure you get out unscathed yourself.
JayDee:  New Comics Starting Tomorrow.  Man, the break was nice while it lasted.